Instruction for authors
Guidelines for manuscripts and references are in corresponding sections
Technical requirements:
- Manuscripts should be provided in Microsoft Word *.doc and *.docx format;
- Maximum length should be up to 40 000 characters including spaces;
- A file should have a title in a format Author’s Name_First 4-6 Words of the Heading (e.g. Startsev_Origin and Functioning of Ethnonyms);
- Images and halftone figures should be in *.jpg, *.tif format with the resolution of at least 300 dpi;
- Every image/figure should be enclosed as a separate file and numbered in the order of occurrence in a manuscript (e.g. Figure 1, Figure 2, etc., without author’s name);
- Graphs and diagrams should be provided with Excel files and should be named the same way as illustrations (Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.);
- If a manuscript has images/figures and graphs/diagrams, sequential numbering should be provided;
- Figure captions should be placed at the end of the manuscript after references.
- If references are in different languages, they are placed according to the groups: first, all references in the Cyrillic alphabet in general alphabetical order (e.g. Mongolian, Russian, Ukrainian). Afterwards, the references in the Latin alphabet are written in general alphabetical order (e.g. English, French, German). Then, the references in the Hieroglyphic alphabet are grouped correspondingly: Chinese, Japanese and Korean.
- The original language of the reference must be indicated after the bibliography entry in brackets (see below). First-order headings (e.g. the title of the source in non-periodical publications and the title of the edition in periodical publications) should be italicized.
- If references contain titles starting with numbers, they are placed at the beginning of every language list in the following ascending order: the references where a title starts with a number in the Cyrillic alphabet in ascending order, Cyrillic references in alphabetical order, references where a title starts with a number in the Latin alphabet in ascending order, Latin references in alphabetical order. The same procedure is for hieroglyphic references.
For example:
- 2000 miles away. London, 2002. 86 p.
- 2018: economic forecast. The commercial news. December 20, 2017, р. 4.
- American Foreign Policy. Current Documents. 1983. Washington: Department of State, 1985, 1477 p.
- General License № 4. Noncommercial, Personal Remittances Authorized. March 24, 2016. URL: (accessed 06.05.2016).